Let’s face it: embracing change is no fun. Everyone likes staying in his or her comfort zone. After all, they call it a “comfort” zone for a reason—even the term itself stirs up deep feelings of calm, relaxation and security. But eventually, something comes along to shake us out of it. Change happens to us all—it’s simply a part of life. And [...]
The last time I had a mammogram, I got a big surprise — and it was a good one. A string quartet w as playing just outside the doors of the breast imaging center, and my thoughts immediately shifted from “What are they going to find on the mammogram?” to “Is that Schubert, or Beethoven?” By the time my name [...]
The shocking truth is that The Voice winner Harrison Craig really is that vanilla, call-his-mum-every-day, sunshiney young chap. Although he's an 18-year-old boy, Craig doesn't have a rebellious streak and isn't annoyed at being cast as the butter-wouldn't-melt-in-his mouth type: "That's the kind of person I really I am, not to talk it up," Craig says. "That's who I am [...]
https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4ifgwe According to a recent report from the World Economic Forum, there will be more plastic than fish in the world's oceans by 2050. In 2008, a small group of surfers came together to counter the plastic pollution along one of Mexico's hidden surf paradises, the Guerrero coast. They founded the Azulita Project, a company that purchases plastic waste from [...]
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